North West

A golf tour in the North West is still one of the best kept secrets in world golf. 10 of the top 35 courses in Ireland can be found in the beautiful counties of Donegal and Sligo so this secret may not last much longer. Donegal has some of the wildest and most beautiful landscapes on the Island of Ireland. Located along part of the Wild Atlantic Way in County Donegal and County Sligo. Sligo is “W. B. Yeat’s Country” where he spent many of his formative years and the rugged landscapes in this part of Ireland was the inspiration for much of his work, evidenced by one of Yeat’s last poems. “Under Ben Bulben”. These are the most incredible links courses which continue to get more and more press in world golf circles. Hazel’s mother was raised on a farm in County Donegal and still has strong family connections here including relatives from both sides of her family. Hazel grew up in Northern Ireland a few miles from the border of County Donegal.

Your Dream Vacation

Your perfect leisure destination  awaits. Let’s begin to get the ball rolling on your Irish Tour.